Dams are old technologies and are not fit for purpose on a warming planet.

The proposed Dunoon dam will destroy Aboriginal burial grounds and vast tracts of high value biodiversity, including remnants of the Big Scrub. The plan relies on water yields on a warming planet of 1 degree and we are already at 1.2 degrees warming and counting!

Site and artefacts of cultural significance to the Widjabal people, including sacred burial grounds, will be desecrated. More than 40 square hectares of rainforest will be destroyed. The negative impact of this dam is completely unacceptable.

Tell Rous County Council to go back to the drawing board and fully explore water recycling and water efficiency to meet our future water needs.

What we lose if the dam is approved:

  • Indigenous heritage sites – including burial sites
  • Recognised Endangered Ecological Community (Lowland Rainforest)
  • Sandstone gorge
  • Wildlife and wildlife habitat
  • Existing koala corridors
  • Threatened frogs
  • Water gums
  • Aboriginal custodianship

This petition rejects the proposed Dunoon Dam and calls for Smarter Water Options for a warming planet.

 Sign the petition to tell Rous County Council our community does not want this dam.



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  • Jacqueline Alinaitwe
    published this page in Campaigns 2020-11-13 14:24:53 +1100