A real pay rise for nurses and midwives

After years of capped wages., the best our NSW government could offer our incredible nurses and midwives was a pay rise that wasn't even above the rate of inflation. 



We won't solve the chronic shortage of nurses and midwives with an effective pay cut. 

It’s never been important to look after the nurses and midwives who keep us healthy and safe - which is why the Greens are standing up for:

  • A 15% pay rise for nurses, midwives and paramedics and then an increase of 2% above inflation for the next 4 years
  • Reform to pay nursing, midwifery and paramedicine students for their time on placement at the rate of a junior Assistant in Nursing, and 
  • mandated safe nurse-to-patient ratios

Click here to sign the petition calling on the NSW government to meet these demands and support our hardworking nurses and midwives.